Aquarius January 2014 Monthly Horoscope

January 2014 Monthly Horoscope for Aquarius Sun Sign

Cosmic forces are obstructive until midday, when life should begin to improve. Finances are to the fore, and you may be eager to spend money on recreational interests. If a new creative or leisure pursuit appeals, it might be wise to rent or borrow needed equipment rather than purchase it outright, at least until you have tested how passionate you really are about the new interest. Solo Aquarius should have more energy to put into romance. Love could come calling, but proceed slowly. The relationship might be more about lust and desire than love and affection. Enjoy the intimacy without rushing into any long-term commitment. Money is again to the fore. This is a favorable period to look at ways to increase your income or to reduce expenditures. Feeling that you are not being paid what you are worth could cause some stress and upset. Before talking to your boss about a raise, or threatening to quit, write down your strengths and weaknesses to ascertain if there are areas where improvements can be made. If going on a job interview you should do very well providing you answer all questions succinctly. Display a confident but modest manner. Aquarius parents should be prepared for an adult child who has left the nest to ask about coming back home to live, at least for a short while. Frustration and confusion are a recurring theme of the day. Although emotional outbursts could be irritating, you might have to live with them, especially if you share your living quarters. A family member or neighbor could be annoyed either with you or with someone you love. Either way, they may insist on talking to you about their troubles and woes, forcing you to make some concessions. Finishing everything on your schedule might be impossible, but try not to stress over it. Do what you can, and leave the rest for tomorrow. If duties have to be completed before you head for home, don’t be shy about asking for assistance; many hands make light work.

Capricorn January 2014 Monthly Horoscope

January 2014 Monthly Horoscope for Capricorn Sun Sign

Good vibes today can help you close a favorable deal or cement a long-term endeavor. The Sun and your co-ruler Saturn, happily link together, increasing effectiveness and organizational skills. Strategizing or meeting with senior people or important clients should produce the desired outcome. Capricorn who are experiencing some type of problem or issue that requires input from outsiders should find that a professional counselor is able to provide necessary guidance. Exercise your nurturing side not only toward other people but also for yourself. Treat yourself to something to make life flow more smoothly. Trends continue to improve as the weekend approaches. Creativity reaches a climax with the merger of abundant Jupiter and inspirational Neptune. You should have little difficulty forging ahead in your field of expertise. Note that this isn’t the right time to make any major decisions or to contemplate future goals because an overly optimistic and unrealistic approach is too likely now. Take extra care to guard against grandiose plans and schemes. Apply moderation. Spiritual activities could appeal. Travelers visiting sacred sites and religious temples should be delighted by the experience as well as gaining more insight and understanding. Optimistic trends continue as the Moon sails through your own sign of Capricorn. Your power to bring change into your life remains strong. This is the time to consider how you want other people to view you. Updating your appearance and grooming can be a morale booster if you haven’t kept up with the latest trends. Active Mars zooms into Gemini, your zone of romance, creative expression, and children. So you can expect some arguments and conflict in these areas over the next few weeks. A favorite pastime or sporting pursuit can benefit from your increased energy, producing dynamic results.

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